Message Board

From Rebecca Tanner: "SSC is the theater that inspired me as a young child to get involved in theater. Now years later, I am one semester away from my college graduation with a BA in theater technology and design. SSC is also the first theater company to hire me. I love the festival glen more than any space I've ever worked in. The idea of SSC ceasing to exist is incomprehensible." 

From Gene Gillette: "This past summer I was fortunate enough to be cast in the productions of Burn This and Romeo and Juliet at SSC.  The work that I witnessed and just the overall spirit that festival produces is awe inspiring.  I grew up in Denver and the first theatrical experience I had was watching Tony Church play Malvolio in Twelfth Night. He was amazing. After several years trying to "make it" and having little success I was close to calling it quits when a friend who was working with Mr. Church at the Denver Center got me backstage to meet him. He was one of the most gracious, gentle, endearing people I have ever met. He gave me HOPE to continue in this profession. So to be able to have walked the same stage he helped to forge was a tremendous honor. As I'm sure everyone knows Tony Church passed away this last year, and if this festival were to close its doors it would be a great loss to his legacy.  What Audrey Stanley (along with Mr. Church) built, what Paul Whitworth nurtured, and the future that Mr. Barricelli will bring, is something that should not, CANNOT disappear."

From a donor: "This donation will help Shakespeare Santa Cruz stay open to present their 2009 season, and hopefully many more to come—including a mainstage season of Shakespeare plays, bringing Shakespeare performances to school classrooms, and enriching the university and the Santa Cruz community. Merry Christmas."

From Olympia Dukakis: I think it's always important to remember WHY you are doing something. Not for the theatre, but for society, for the larger community that you share. Theatre is a way to enrich this community. People take real pride in ownership of their institutions, especially theatres because it speaks to all ages and all segments of a community.

I remember I was once asked whether or not money in NJ should be allocated to get drug dealers off the streets or given to theatres. I immediately said, "Get rid of the drug dealers. A mind that is lost is not going to find its way to the theatre." So there are priorities. We would be stupid not to acknowledge that.
If your community has enough money and if you can hold off the University from scaring itself to death, -- good luck. I wish you and your Board stout hearts. There are a few lines by Apollinaire, the French poet and they are as follows;
He said, Come to the edge.
We said, No, we're afraid.
He said, Come to the edge.
We said, No, we'll fall.
He said, Come to the edge.
We came to the edge.
He pushed us
And we flew.
Olympia Dukakis

From a donor: "I was horrified to hear of SSC's existential plight. I saw "All's Well..." and "Bach..." last summer, and was impressed and delighted by both.  I was an actor for SSC back in '93 as well, and I want to do all I can to make sure there'll be plenty of top-notch theatre amid the trees for many years to come.  I have exhorted all my Facebook contacts to give what they can.
I'm confident and hopeful that you'll get the Gift of Life this Christmas."

From Álvaro Mendoza: "I echo Gene Gillette.  Paul Whitworth was generous enough to invite me to be part of the company in 2007, and it was fantastic to perform Much Ado About Nothing and The Tempest in the Glen.  Unique, really.  The wonderful artists, staff, audiences and deer (!) create a special atmosphere.  It is like acting in the Forest of Arden. In his heartfelt open letter, Marco Barricelli mentions that beautiful moment in The Dresser:  'This can help.'  And so, now we must help."

From Rachel Jablin: "I'm a New York actor that has auditioned for the past 5 years and has NEVER been hired!  And I STILL made a donation.  I would hate to see you close your doors.  We have to preserve our great theatres!"

From Tom Stoppard: "This is very sad news from you – and no better from me. People do care, of course, but everybody is feeling the cold, and asking and giving closer to home. I'm sending you a symbolic gift among my many requests, and my love to you."

From Caitlin FitzGerald: "Going to acting school in New York I had heard rumors about a magical Shakespeare theater in the redwoods of California and it always sounded like some sort of fantasy fairy tale place. How unbelievable then to find myself getting to play Juliet in that amazing space which was better than I could have even imagined. Not only is the glen probably the most satisfying and beautiful place to perform, the people who I was so privileged to work with were some of the best in the business.  One of the most memorable moments of my time at Shakespeare Santa Cruz was being approached by a very little girl, no more than six, after a performance of Romeo and Juliet. Her excitement about the production and getting to speak to Juliet was incredible, but the memory comes to me now because I was exactly six when I saw Romeo and Juliet for the first time and first decided that I loved Shakespeare. The relationship with  Shakespeare that I was given at such a young age has been one of the greatest sources of joy and comfort in my life. In such a bleak time I can think of no better gift than to pass on the treasure of Shakespeare, and I can think of no better place to perform it or watch it than Shakespeare Santa Cruz."

From a donor: "In times of Feast and Famine, theater feeds our souls!"

From a donor: "Theatre did not only save my life, but gave it definition.  It is not only my aspiration, but that which inspires me most.  It is not only made possible by players and co-workers, but by my family and friends. Long live Shakespeare Santa Cruz."

From Randall Stuart: "I perch here in NYC, riveted; clicking on the SSC website as often as I can to see what the new 'totals' are. It seems clear on this third day that the 300K goal will be met handily. I am buoyant, yes, and as always believe that "Art will save us all". But I also recognize as I look at the donor list, that 40% of the names (at least at this writing) are theatre artists, actors and designers (a bunch of dear ones who can ill-afford to be throwing moolah at the cause of Themselves)...and my soul itches. Are we the ones we've been waiting for? Perhaps. "Bravo" that we responded with panache. The Choir sings. Goodness knows that in lean times, we are the very humans who know how to encourage the frightened populace towards the metaphysical fire and tell them stories, to relieve them of their fears (or misbehaviors?)...and goodness knows that SSC is a profoundly special case, and not because it produces Shakespeare and other artful fare, but because it does it well. Not all can claim that mantle. The part which rattles? = is what are we going to do to reinvent ourselves in a cellular way, abandon (at a regional level) the business model which has shackled us, and proceed with humble grace to elevate the Art form beyond its oft-stale paradigms, gift shops and safe/kicky choices.  May the Muses bless us. May the world see that Live Theatre is the real church/temple/mosque/schoolroom to attend." - Randall Stuart, Artistic Director, Upon These Boards

From Sophie Timpers, first-time audience member: "This would be a tragedy if the theater were to close. I keep my fingers crossed! I have such amazing memories from the show we went to see last summer. And Tristan [5 years old] too, and Selma [2 years old] too actually! It's sooooo important that you guys stay open."

From Donald Margulies, Shipwrecked! playwright: "O woe!  O wretched, wretched woe! I'm so sorry to hear of the theater's hardship and disappointed that the cork may be pulled on Shipwrecked.  I wish I had a white knight to offer up."

From Amy Bobeda: "The first production I saw at SSC was the original production of Wind in the Willows.  I was nine.  That night, the magic of Ratty and Mole on the river opened my eyes to the world of theatrical design.  I knew then and there I would pursue design in school as well as in life.  Since, I have worked elsewhere, but this past year I have had the great pleasure of joining the SSC family, and working on the revival of Willows.  I can't imagine the young people of our community missing the not only the entertainment of the fine art SSC produces, but even more the inspiration for young futures that have yet to be discovered."

From Grant Mudge, Artistic Director, Richmond Shakespeare, Richmond, VA: "Sitting listening to Marco Barricelli speak on the value of theatre, art and Shakespeare Santa Cruz,  I’m stunned to realize he’s referencing the same solo performance by Ian McKellan that inspired me.  The electricity he describes was real watching McKellan, and it was every bit as real sitting in the glen for my first SSC show in August of 2007.  Please add my voice to the chorus of supporters.  SSC is now, and must continue to be, a leader among Shakespeare performance companies, among California theatre companies, and among acting companies  worldwide."

From Crystal Birns, Arts Program Manager, City of Santa Cruz: "Shakespeare Santa Cruz is more than just a theater company. It’s more than just a yearly tradition; it’s one of the cornerstones of the Central Coast’s cultural life. A multigenerational tradition here in Santa Cruz, the annual trip into the Glen is also an annual pilgrimage for Shakespeare fans worldwide.

During the process of drafting the City Of Santa Cruz Arts Master Plan, we realized that organizations like Shakespeare Santa Cruz are major economic players locally. In addition to delighting and inspiring audiences, nonprofit arts organizations employ more than 750 employees and inject more than $32 million into our local economy, creating a community that not only values art, but draws strength from it.
By coming together now, at this time of crisis we can cement our community’s national reputation for commitment to the arts. By standing up for Shakespeare Santa Cruz, we’re refusing to let the dire headlines and gloomy prognostications ruin our cultural life. As Dickens says, 'This is a world of action, and not for moping and droning in.' Please support Shakespeare Santa Cruz."

From Greg Callaghan: "I just sent in my donation. I watched "It's a Wonderful Life" last night and seeing the town of Bedford Falls come to George Bailey's aid right when he needed it most is exactly what SSC needs right now!"

From Michael Watkins, Superintendent of Schools, Santa Cruz County: "I have personally enjoyed many seasons of Shakespeare Santa Cruz. As an educator, I have appreciated their contributions to schools. I have always advocated for the arts for students - it is one of the most important areas of the curriculum, and sadly, one of the least funded. I encourage UCSC and the Santa Cruz community to do everything possible to sustain this valuable local resource."

From Danielle Perata: "When a castmate from the 2008 season e-mailed me about SSC's crisis, I felt like a part of me was dying.  The past summer was my first foray into professional theatre and I feel blessed to have begun my career in such a collaborative, creative, magical place.  Working with such a generous group of people was an incredibly moving experience for me and has made a deep impression that I hope to carry throughout my career: to be open to everything, listen deeply and play with all the joy in your heart because what we're creating is a gift to be freely given to the world... and the world NEEDS it. There is a pulse here like nothing I've ever experienced and a crackling, electric, fiery joy in the telling of the stories that is sorely lacking in so much theatre (and life) these days.  My family and I have made donations in order to keep this very special place alive."

From Philip Parr, European Shakespeare Festivals Network: "From here in Europe, we are very aware of the importance of Shakespeare Santa Cruz - not only as a leading national resource, but internationally as an important contributor to the unceasing artistic exploration of Shakespeare's work around the world, through excellence of production and performance.
We send you our best wishes and are confident that the company's powerful track record, in so many areas of work, will see you reach your goal and continue, strengthened by new friends and stalwart supporters."

From Gary and Wendy Armagnac: "Thanks...we fell in love on the stages of Shakespeare Santa Cruz Summer of
1986....Twelfth Night...after 22 years we despair at the loss...hang in there."

From Dorothy Wise: "I look forward to many more years of the excellence we've come to expect from SSC. Thank you for giving the public the chance to express how important this organization is to all of us. Especially in these times, theater and the arts are of the utmost importance."
From Kathleen Wallace: "I am joyed to see that the donations are pouring in for Shakespeare Santa Cruz and have added what my graduate-student budget can afford. I have also emailed and "Facebooked" several  people in an effort to drive even more donations your way. Here is part of the SOS message I sent:

'Why give to an arts organization when your own finances are (more than likely) negatively effected by the economic downturn? Because the core of the arts is communication. Theater, music, dance, writing and fine arts touch us viscerally, causing us to connect with the art, the artists and those around us. And when faced with an economic climate that engenders a "save yourself" mentality, we need more than ever to connect with the humanity around us - and inside us. To allow theaters, places where strangers come together and share experience, to die is to give a part of our humanity away.

I do not now, nor have I ever, worked for this organization. The only thing I stand to gain from helping Shakespeare Santa Cruz is the enrichment it brings to my life and the lives of countless others.'

I have never had the joy of seeing or working on a SSC production. (I've never even been to Santa Cruz!) But I do firmly believe that my life would diminished should this organization be allowed to slip away. It is my sincere hope that Shakespeare Santa Cruz will not only survive but thrive this year and for many years to come.  Wishing you all best and the happiest of holidays."

From Walt Boyes, Theater Arts 1974: "Audrey Stanley was one of the first people who believed in me. I've followed a dream ever since I was her student. SSC should be a continuing and shining example of what we all can do to liberate the mind
and free the spirit."

From Gina: "As I wrote to my friends, 'Food feeds the body, but entertainment feeds the soul.'  It is encouraging to know that enough people cared about keeping Shakespeare Santa Cruz alive to take action and donate.  Thank you for all that you do in the interest of 'feeding the soul.'  Happiest of Holidays to you & yours!"

From Kelly Wiegant Mangan: "You can't imagine my happiness that you guys are safe from the chopping block.  That poor little basement prop shop and the glen were my home for 7 wonderful years! (Raccoons, foxes and all)  I've promised Sara that once the kids get a little older we'll come to visit --- until then ---Happy Theatre!
And MANY happy returns!"

From Kathy & Bob Ferraro: "For the past several years, you have donated to my childrens school auctions.  It was the least I could do to email family and friends to make a donation.  Congrat's on achieving your goal."

From Brent Haddad: "I have a feeling that SSC is going to be around for a LONG time.  I sure hope it is since it has given me and my family such joy through the years.  It is such a pleasure to hear my children refer back to comedies laughing at incidents they saw or darkening at the memory of terrible deeds committed before their very eyes. I'm not alone in these feelings, as was just expressed by the whole community.  SSC's days are not numbered. Wishing you all the best in 2009."