Donor Notes

Personal Notes/Dedications:

"Since I know you both love Shakespeare Santa Cruz, my Christmas gift to you is a donation in your names to help save the company. My hope is that this will ultimately be a gift that ensuring you and other the opportunity participate in many more SSC productions."

"Didn't we have fun at Shakespeare Santa Cruz?!  Good memories!  Love uuuuuu. xoxox Mama"

"thanks for asking for our help!  Your work is a blessing to all of us."

"I know how much [you] always enjoyed attending the theatre together. My memories of [you] are so pleasantly linked with interesting discussions of plays, as well as reports of plays you and my parents saw together."

"I'm afraid I'm skipping the redwoods this year because I thought Dad would want to support this, as they are in deep financial trouble.  We go every year and think it is a wonderful local treasure."

"This is on behalf of [name] for Shakespeare Santa Cruz. She is a lovely lady and anything that is near to her heart I trust to be a good cause. I recently was laid off so I can only donate $5, but I hope it helps!"

"This donation will help Shakespeare Santa Cruz stay open to present their 2009 season, and hopefully many more to come—including a mainstage season of Shakespeare plays, bringing Shakespeare performances to school classrooms, and enriching the university and the Santa Cruz community. Merry Christmas."

"On behalf of The library staff of Linfield College Personal Note: I worked for a summer at Shakespeare Santa Cruz and the current Artistic Director is an old friend. They need to raise $300k by the 22nd or they will close after 27 years. So this year, you are supporting the arts. Merry Christmas from your pet geek."

"Marco, Your analogy to the brilliant film "The Dresser" forcefully and viscerally hit its mark. Along with my contribution, I send good thoughts and the fervent hope that the light that is SSC will, under your artistic guidance, continue to flame, illuminating the darkness that threatens to consume us all. This guttering flicker of culture, humanity and inspiration tucked away in the Santa Cruz Mountains seems worth fighting for.  Much Love, much luck! "

"In loving memory of Laurel-- keeping the Arts alive in honor of her birthday.  Having Laurel join us in Santa Cruz for the summer was always our dream.  We know she would have loved the beach and the forest,  and the festival in the Glen."

"Mom,  This Christmas we donated in your honor to Shakespeare Santa Cruz which is facing hard financial times. We know how much you love and believe in community theater. One day I hope to see you on that stage! Your biggest fans-"

"In times of Feast and Famine, theater feeds our souls! "

"In JS' honor I am donating to Shakespeare Santa Cruz this holiday season. California's only premiere Shakespeare festival that is in danger of closing forever in these tough economic times. Since it all inter connected in this crazy business where we try to survive and work and make art, I thought it fitting. Happy Holidays."

"Theatre did not only save my life, but gave it definition.  It is not only my aspiration, but that which inspires me most.  It is not only made possible by players and co-workers, but by my family and friends. Long live Shakespeare Santa Cruz."

"Because this means so much to you, and because it also means so much to us, we want SSC to live on. All's well that ends well. Happy stitching!"

"Shakespeare Santa Cruz is in trouble, so we're donating $50 in the family name as part of a last minute local grass roots campaign to save it.  If it works you'll be part of a truly worthy bail out program.  If it fails, blame George Bush."

"I am supporting Shakespeare Santa Cruz in their time of financial crisis, and I could not think of a more perfect person to honor with a contribution to this beloved and stellar local theater program than YOU! I love you and applaud your amazing achievements. You are in my heart as a daughter and I celebrate you."

"For our family's continued joy in sharing Shakespeare Santa Cruz~~~ Merry Christmas to all! "

"I would like my donation to help prevent Shakespeare Santa Cruz from closing it's doors."

"Thank you for thinking of this as a perfect Christmas present - Merry Christmas Love, Mom"

"Seems like you and Shakespeare would have been good friends - so I'm giving Shakespeare Santa Cruz in your memory."

"Some of our favorite Shakespeare productions ever! Hope this does it! Love you both"

"Dear Mom, There so many good causes to support at this time of year ... but this sudden spectre of eliminating Shakespeare Santa Cruz rattled me, and I thought perhaps you would like your gift to go to them -- I think your love of the theatre and the arts will find some comfort knowing this little stage in this little place will continue to flourish. All love, us."

"Thanks so much for supporting Shakespeare Santa Cruz, and "Merry Christmas" from both of us!"

"Merry Christmas.  We have many more picnic dinners in us.  Let's hope we have more plays too."

"I couldn't think of a better Christmas gift to give you than a donation in your honor to save the ailing Shakespeare Santa Cruz program which faces quick closure. I hope all is well and wish you a very Merry Christmas"

"Dearest Billie, I miss you in Santa Cruz and remember your splendid performance in Shakespeare Santa Cruz many years ago. Here's to you my dear!"

"In honor of Daddy, who loved the arts, and of you, Mother, whom he loved and considered a work of art."

"Marco-Thank you for your vision and passion."

"Dear Ursula Meyer, I don't know if you're still working with SSC, but I want to acknowledge what an outstanding teacher you are via the intern program (I was an intern in 1996). You are also a wonderful actress!"

"On behalf of the arts in schools and the fine work of Shakespeare Santa Cruz let us work keep it alive."

"We are fans!"

"Our darling, we are so proud of you and your accomplishments. We made this donation to Shakespeare Santa Cruz in honor of you because of your love of Shakespeare, and of your beauty (both inside and out) which outshines any comparison one might attempt to make. Love, Mom & Dad"

"Thanks, Phil, for our fabulous Music 85Z class this past summer. I loved all the music and the plays. I hope to attend many more of your classes. You gave us a wonderful gift and I appreciate it. The class and the performances were the highlight of my summer."

"I made this donation to Shakespeare Santa Cruz in honor of both of you.  If Shakespeare Santa Cruz is able to proceed with 2009 season I'll take you both to a play to see them. Happy Chanukah!"

"Hope this helps. xoxoxo"

"Doris would have loved this program and productions."

"A Chanukah gift in honor of Eli, from his parents with love."

"Your colleagues at CENTERSTAGE (Baltimore, Maryland) offer our support and encouragement as you work to reach your fundraising goal by tomorrow.  This gift is made in their honor, and in yours."

"Last night I told Santa that all I wanted for Christmas was Shakespeare Santa Cruz!"

"Dear Dad, Thank you for teaching me from a very young age how critical an appreciation of the arts is and for encouraging my interest in it.   I will always find magic in spending a night at the theatre or on the lawn listening to a great symphony and watching actors young and old bring stories to life.  I love you!  Merry Christmas!"

"I have donated in honor of each of you to Shakespeare Santa Cruz, to honor all you two do for your community.  Love, Mom"

"Mom-- One of our local non-profits that is in particular need this year is Shakespeare Santa Cruz.  They were in danger of being shut down.  We made a donation in honor of you to help our local community."

In Honor/Behalf of:

    Marco Barricelli (multiple)

    Marco Barricelli, the greatest "Cyrano"

    Marco Barricelli & Beatrice Basso

    Marco and the players

    Aldo Billingslea

    SSC's hardworking staff

    William Shakespeare (multiple)

    The hardest working core staff in theater

    The Bard Club

    [names]  and the culture in their future

    Theater in The Glen

    Survival of knowledge

    My mother who gave me a love of Shakespeare

    Marco Barricelli's Vision and Commitment to the Arts

    Outstanding teaching of Ursula Meyer in SSC course for interns

    Colorado Actors Scripts And Films (CASA)

    The arts in public education

    Our wonderful and talented daughter

    Phil Collins and our summer Cabrillo Performing Arts Appreciation Class

    Keeping the arts alive in Santa Cruz

    The Best Actress I know

    Boulder Creek Elementary Homeschool

    San Francisco School of the Arts Theatre Department

    The staff and artisans of CENTERSTAGE (Baltimore, MD)

    The Arts

    The ASF MaFiA

    Playing a prostitute in Measure for Measure in the early 90s - oh the memories!