Urgent Message from the Board of Directors

Dear Friends,

The precipitous budget cuts inflicted upon the University of California have now impacted SSC.  We are on the verge of permanent shutdown.  It is tempting to think that UCSC is more than capable of sustaining SSC.  However, in his speech to the Regents on November 19, 2008, Chancellor Blumenthal stated that UCSC “will have no choice in this next round of budget cuts but to cut deeply into our academic programs; and this raises the specter that the progress we’ve made as a campus will be arrested (and perhaps even reversed) and that cuts to academic programs will erode the quality of a UCSC education.”  As recently as last week, the Arts Division, our home on campus, was required to cut an additional $1.1 million from its budget, on top of previous cuts. 

Following arduous and passionate negotiations with the campus over our existence, SSC learned that it could launch its 2009 season if and only if it could demonstrate the support of its friends by raising $300,000 in cash (not pledges) by noon on December 22.  If it cannot, SSC must be and will be extinguished. 

The University’s condition is intended to create a buffer for SSC in the event the balanced budget we have proposed is in deficit at season end for any reason.  Although we were shocked by the enormity of this challenge, this buffer is in fact prudent.  Our Board and a few early responders have begun to meet this challenge through their unstinting generosity.  We know from political fundraising efforts that small amounts raised from large numbers of supporters can make the difference.  Coupled with major gifts from those who can make them, we can reach our goal. 

Our challenge is simply put – raise $300,000 in a week’s time or cease to exist.  Talk about “to be or not to be”?  The question is, can you help? Yes you can.  Click here to donate immediately, or keep reading to get further energized!  Do it NOW or forever hold your peace.

We ask you to give as generously as you can.  Giving to a theater, or the arts, to education, or to a myriad of other vital non-profits, may seem to be an unaffordable luxury in this economic climate.  It is not, and your generosity to SSC will be appreciated all the more, knowing that you are likely to be considering many compelling and deserving charitable requests at this time of year.  To preserve SSC, and feel the power of philanthropic action, please immediately go to and forward this page to all you know. 

On behalf of the generations of artists, audiences and donors who have contributed millions of dollars and tens of thousands of hours to building SSC over these last 27 years, on behalf of the generations that have laughed and cried, found inspiration and provocation in the Glen, and on behalf of all future generations of audiences and artists whose lives will be enriched by the donation you make today, please accept the profound thanks of this Board, Artistic Director Marco Barricelli, Managing Director Marcus Cato, and the tireless SSC Staff for your bold stewardship of our mission.


Bill Richter, Board Co-President

Scott Hawkins, Board Co-President