Letter from the Artsitic Director: 12/22/08

I would like to say how genuinely pleased and overwhelmed I am by all the support shown to Shakespeare Santa Cruz by the local Santa Cruz community, my extraordinary staff, my brilliant Board, and the broader theatrical community from all over the country and beyond.

We have been sent a very clear message, and that message is: Theatre matters.  The arts are an important and integral part of our lives, and though times may be difficult, we refuse to live without the inspiration and grace afforded us by great writers, actors, directors, designers, etc.  Through their efforts we are able to relish this precious gift of life in ways otherwise impossible.

I encourage all theatre lovers across the country to support your local theatre this year ... and into the future.  I urge you to bring a friend or two to a live performance in 2009 and thereby show your support by buying tickets, as well. 

"art has a price. yet NOT having art has an even bigger price" --italo b.

Marco Barricelli, Artistic Director, Shakespeare Santa Cruz