The Princess & The Pea

Christine Behrens as Princess Pretensio in SSC's 2007 Holiday production of The Princess & The Pea.
Photo: Byron Servies
Suzanne Grodner as Queen Grosioso in SSC's 2007 Holiday production of The Princess & The Pea.
Photo: Byron Servies

Suzanne Grodner as Queen Grosioso an ensemble, SSC's 2007 production of The Princess & The Pea.
Photo: Steve DiBartolomeo
Joseph Ribeiro as Ratatouille and Suzanne Grodner as Queen Grosioso in SSC's 2007 production of The Princess & The Pea.
Photo: Steve DiBartolomeo

Christine Behrens as Princess Pretencio in SSC's 2007 production of The Princess & The Pea.
Photo: Steve DiBartolomeo
Mike Ryan as Chester the Jester in SSC's 2007 production of The Princess & The Pea.
Photo: Steve DiBartolomeo

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