2013 Season

Summer Season

The Taming of the ShrewThe Taming of the Shrew

By William Shakespeare • Directed by Edward Morgan
July 23 – September 1, 2013 • Sinsheimer-Stanley Festival Glen

Wealthy Baptista has two daughters; gentle and beautiful Bianca who is much sought after by the noble men of the town and Katherine who is, well, a shrew. As the oldest, Katherine must marry first but Bianca’s many suitors can’t afford to wait, so they convince the boisterous and quick-witted Petruchio to take on the challenge of domesticating the sharp-tongued, quick-tempered “shrew.” Can Petruchio subdue Katherine’s temper and win her bountiful dowry along with her love? Or will she continue her shrewish ways in Shakespeare’s ultimate battle-of-the-sexes comedy!

Quote from The Taming of the Shrew

Production Sponsors
Carolyn Hyatt
Jon and Jill Winston

Henry VHenry V

By William ShakespeareDirected by Paul Mullins
August 6 – September 1, 2013 • Sinsheimer-Stanley Festival Glen

With the death of his father, young King Henry must abandon his wasted youth and transform into a leader of men. His country embroiled in bitter civil war and his people restless and dissatisfied, Henry launches a daring invasion that climaxes in the fateful battle of Agincourt. Weakened and outnumbered, the English face near certain defeat, but Henry’s inspirational leadership spurs a reversal of fortune and turns a man into a legend. Henry V crowns SSC’s three-play exploration of Hal from ne’er-do-well prince to fabled king.

Henry V marks Artistic Director Marco Barricelli's return to the SSC stage.

Quote from Henry V

Production Sponsors
Ow Family Properties
Jim and Mary Jane Chambers
Thorne Lay and Kathy Beattie


The Fringe Show: Tom JonesTom Jones
(The Fringe Show)

Adapted by Jon Jory from the novel by Henry Fielding
Directed by Patty Gallagher
August 20 & 27, 2013 • Sinsheimer-Stanley Festival Glen

Abandoned as a child to the care of Squire Allworthy, Tom Jones is now grown up and launched into the bewildering romantic world. He falls madly in love with the virtuous Sophia Western, but Sophia's father is determined to keep the two apart. In his pursuit of true love, the well-intentioned Tom finds himself the object of female attention and hysterical romantic complications. Tom Jones is a bawdy and rollicking comedy for the stage. The Fringe Show has fast become a favorite of SSC audiences as our talented acting and production interns are given their opportunity in the spot light!

Production Sponsor
The Estate of Odette Sims

Fall Benefit

The SSC Annual Fall Benefit supports our education and outreach programs,
including the touring production, Shakespeare to Go.

Impro Theatre presents

Shakespeare Unscripted

Directed by Brian Lohmann and Dan O'Connor
Sunday, October 13, 2013 at 3:00PM • UCSC Theater Arts Mainstage

Impro Theatre pays homage to the genius of William Shakespeare by taking simple suggestions from the audience and spontaneously creating a brand new play in The Bard’s unmistakable style, full of death-defying stunts of impromptu comedy. Using language that sizzles with poetry, colorful imagery and bawdy innuendo, the company of players brings to life the monarchs, spirits, lovers and fools that make up Shakespeare’s world.

Magnificent…the ingenious Impro Theatre has nothing but respect for their source material… It is a tasteful, cultured theatrical marvel; a hilarious ad-libbed homage sure to leave you awe inspired and sore from laughter…

– LA Theatre

Holiday Show

It's a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio PlaySSC and UCSC Theater Arts Annual Holiday Co-Production

It's a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play

by Joe Landry
November 15 – December 8, 2013 • UCSC Theater Arts Mainstage

This heart-warming show will round out our season as our annual co-production with UCSC Theater Arts. Inspired by the popular American film, It's a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play is performed as a 1940s live radio broadcast in front of a studio audience. The audience is treated to watching the actors perform the dozens of characters in the radio play as well as produce the sound effects all the while enjoying the familiar story. Joe Landry’s interpretation of this nostalgic classic is fast becoming America’s favorite new holiday tradition.

Helpful Information

SSC Season 2011 2011 Schedule Seating Charts & Venues