Securing Our Future

Donor Spotlight

  • David Thomas
    Photo credit: Jim MacKenzie

    David Thomas: Reflecting on the past to help secure the future

    “I was a UC Santa Cruz founding faculty member and I taught at UCSC for 33 years. I
    know the quality of its education. I also know that many potential students cannot attend for want of means. I’ve included UCSC in my will. There is a bequest to the C.L. Barber Memorial Endowment for Shakespeare Santa Cruz; to my longtime UCSC college
    home, Stevenson College; and to funding undergraduate scholarships.

    To create my will, I spent over six months thinking through my life experience and my commitments and what I would like to continue to support. This was a demanding and instructive exercise. I worked with UCSC’s planned giving folks to sharpen and refine the focus, and to find the appropriate legal language. They were most helpful.

    If asked, I’d advise anyone engaged in this process to spend the time to get clear on your values and opportunities and to weigh alternatives. Then work with advisers and UCSC’s people. I did, and I’m pleased with the result.”


All are welcome to contribute to these endowments, which help secure the future of Shakespeare Santa Cruz. To make a gift online, simply use the link in the endowment’s name. To give by check, please make payable to “UCSC Foundation/SSC’, indicate the endowment name on the memo line, and mail to:

Shakespeare Santa Cruz
Attn: Development Office
Theater Arts Center / UCSC
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

For more information, please contact SSC Development Director Ann Gibb, [email protected] or 831-459-5507.

C.L. Barber Memorial Endowment 
(Established in 1982)

Cesar Lombardi (C.L.) Barber was a renowned Shakespeare scholar and a UC Santa Cruz literature professor. This endowment payout provides stipends for distinguished scholars, actors, and interns participating in SSC.

10/31/12 market value: $92,126.57


Sinsheimer-Stanley Glen Endowment for Shakespeare Santa Cruz 
(Established in 1998)

Initially funded by SSC Board President Karen Sinsheimer and named in her honor and that of founding SSC Artistic Director Audrey Stanley, this endowment payout provides support for SSC productions in the Sinsheimer-Stanley Glen and for physical improvements to the Glen.

10/31/12 market value: $100,275.29


The Audrey Stanley Endowed Visiting Artistic Directorship Fund 
(Established in 2006)

Initially funded by founding SSC Artistic Director Audrey Stanley, payout from this endowment helps fund the SSC Artistic Director’s salary and benefits.

10/31/12 market value: $106,233,80

Donor Spotlight

  • Sharon Dirnberger
    Photo credit: Bernadette Wilson

    Sharon Dirnberger:
    A Passion for Theater

    For nearly 35 years, UC Santa Cruz Admissions Counselor Sharon Dirnberger has been supporting the education and development of Santa Cruz students. A long career at UCSC also provided Sharon with a front row seat for her other passion – theater. Quirky, fun, artistically interesting theater, thy name is Shakespeare Santa Cruz.

    Sharon’s been supporting Shakespeare Santa Cruz for over 25 years now; first as a season ticket holder, a member of the Board of Directors, and a donor. Now, by including Shakespeare Santa Cruz in her will, she’s ensuring that Shakespeare Santa Cruz will be available to generations of theater lovers, just like her.

    Her first experience with Shakespeare Santa Cruz is one she’ll never forget.

    “When I first attended Shakespeare Santa Cruz’s production of Henry IV, Part 1 in 1984, I was skeptical,” Sharon said. “I had heard that Paul Whitworth played Henry IV in a Boy George costume and that Falstaff rode a motorcycle and wore leathers. I didn’t know what to think! But, it was amazing. I was hooked for life. I brought a friend who had taken Shakespeare in college and hated it. Even he liked it!”

    Sharon’s been a theater fanatic since high school, but her early experiences were much more conservative.

    “In high school, we’d take field trips up to ACT (American Conservatory Theater) and by my senior year of college I was a season ticket holder. Even my vacations centered around theater,” she said. “I traveled to Ashland and London for theater.”

    Sharon still enjoys traditional theater, but admires that Shakespeare Santa Cruz and Shakespeare-to-Go offers our community a much more accessible kind of theater. “To people who tell me Shakespeare is ‘too highbrow,’ I tell them, ‘bring your picnic; bring your wine.’ The redwood glen is a magical place,” she said.

    Sharon is most passionate about bringing live theater to children. While serving on the Board from 1997-2002, she chaired the education and outreach committee. “I want to bring live theater to kids in schools so that they can enjoy this very different art form. If you connect them early with theater … it’s just so different than television or film … it will enrich their entire lives.”

    Sharon wanted to preserve Shakespeare Santa Cruz for future generations. When her parents passed away, she was the sole beneficiary of her parents’ real estate holdings.

    “My folks bought their house in Santa Cruz in 1973 and I sold it in 2006. I realized that with my inheritance, I needed to make my own estate plan. I don’t have any children or brothers or sisters that I’d need to support. So, I’m designating organizations and causes that are important to me. Shakespeare Santa Cruz is at the top of that list. It was such a great experience to be able to figure that out. Including an estate gift is a wonderful opportunity to make an impact,” she said.

    Sharon is also a dedicated annual donor to Shakespeare Santa Cruz, often co-sponsoring a performance in the Mainstage Theater. She is helping to secure professional theater for the Santa Cruz community, now and into the future.

Planned Giving

Planned gifts—such as bequests—are a tremendous vote of confidence in the future of Shakespeare Santa Cruz. They can also provide significant tax and income benefits for donors and their families. We hope you will join our supporters who have included SSC in their philanthropic legacy.

We gratefully acknowledge these donors* who have included Shakespeare Santa Cruz in their planned giving:

- Anonymous (2)

- Sharon Dirnberger

- Ann Gibb and Sandor Nagyszalanczy

- Margaret Gordon

- Audrey Stanley

- David Thomas

- Joan Zimmerman

*If Shakespeare Santa Cruz is in your estate plan, please let us know so that we can recognize your generous support.

For more information on how you can include SSC in you philanthropic legacy, please visit or contact Ann Gibb 831-459-5507 or [email protected].