Company 2012

Scott Ward Abernethy
Bazin (The Man in the Iron Mask); Hastings (Henry IV, Part Two)
Marion Adler*
Ann of Austria (The Man in the Iron Mask); Mistress Quickly/Lady Northumberland (Henry IV, Part Two)

Ted Barton*
Porthos (The Man in the Iron Mask); Earl of Northumberland/Silence (Henry IV, Part Two)
Robert Beddall
Mouston (The Man in the Iron Mask); John of Lancaster/Gower (Henry IV, Part Two)

Mark Christine*
Feste (Twelfth Night)
Rayme Cornell*
Olivia (Twelfth Night)

Jenna Davi
Ensemble (The Man in the Iron Mask); Falstaff's Page/Ensemble (Henry IV, Part Two)
William Elsman*
Sir Andrew Aguecheek (Twelfth Night)

Richard Farrell*
Grimaud (The Man in the Iron Mask); Earl of Westmoreland/Shallow (Henry IV, Part Two)
Tom Gough
Orsino (Twelfth Night)

V Craig Heidenreich*
Aramis (The Man in the Iron Mask); King Henry IV (Henry IV, Part Two)
Lisa Kitchens
Louise de la Valli�re (The Man in the Iron Mask); Doll Tearsheet/Lady Percy (Henry IV, Part Two)

Lenne Klingaman
Viola (Twelfth Night)
Gabriel Lawrence*
Marquis de Wardes (The Man in the Iron Mask); Davey (Henry IV, Part Two)

Jerry Lloyd*
Malvolio (Twelfth Night)
Stephen Maddox
Ensemble (The Man in the Iron Mask); Travers/Bardolph (Henry IV, Part Two)

Jason Marr
Fabian (Twelfth Night)
Conan McCarty*
Ruffian (The Man in the Iron Mask); Earl of Warwick/Pistol (Henry IV, Part Two)

Armando McClain
Raoul (The Man in the Iron Mask); Mowbrey (Henry IV, Part Two)
Paul Vincent O'Connor*
Sir Toby Belch (Twelfth Night)

Charles Pasternak
King Louis-Phillippe (The Man in the Iron Mask); Prince Hal (Henry IV, Part Two)
Liam Robertson
Curio (Twelfth Night)

Nick Steen
Antonio (Twelfth Night)
Jesse James Thomas
Sebastian (Twelfth Night)

Dierk Torsek*
Athos (The Man in the Iron Mask); Poins/Lord Chief Justice (Henry IV, Part Two)
Shannon Warrick
Maria (Twelfth Night)

Kit Wilder*
D'Artagnan (The Man in the Iron Mask); Scroop/Archbishop of York (Henry IV, Part Two)
Richard Ziman*
Baisemeaux (The Man in the Iron Mask); Sir John Falstaff (Henry IV, Part Two)

Kendall Callaghan
Acting Intern
Taylor Fisher
Acting Intern

Rob Gray
Acting Intern
Mary Cait Hogan
Acting Intern

Jake Pino
Acting Intern
Todd Pivetti
Acting Intern

Jakeem Powell
Acting Intern
Annie Ritschel
Acting Intern

Josh Saleh
Acting Intern
Justin Tandy
Acting Intern

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